Saturday, June 21, 2008

Interaction Day

Hmm...Hari Interaksi antara guru dan ibu bapa pelajar.

(translation) Interaction Day between teachers and parents.

Nothing much, just thought I wanted to point out that there was traffic jam, and had to walk into the school in hot weather, and had to wait for my turn. Had to force a smile as the teacher went whacking (not literally), said a few stuff, and ended in four minutes. All the wait for four minutes of rubbish. Hmm.....

Unlucky? Or what?

From the post below, you now that I have take part in the March Past competition, that was on Thursday, now, a series of unfortunate event (not by lemon whatever) happened.

Monday - I pulled my leg, is sprained a correct word?

Tuesday - My leg healed, my friend nearly got hit by a car.

Wednesday - the flagbearer's leg got run over by a car, luckily, it was not broken, but his shoes, socks and toenail was byebye.

Thursday - yet another member got hit by a motorcycle, the motorcycle tried to avoid another vehicle, and bamp! hit the poor guy. Leg go scratch.

Friday - We won...... praise the lord... no more accidents.

March Past Passed

WOW!!! We got numba uno!!! Ichi!!! yi!!! Satu!!!! One!!!!

Actually, I'm not that excited, but hey, number one dont come by easily.

What am I talking about? The school sports' day March Past, and we, the Boys' Brigade, won the event. We were so happy, after months of training, especially when the school was supposed to send us to represent school for the inter-school drill competition, but didnt, because another team had "better experience". Shove it down their face...yea

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the Thirteenth

Today, is Black Friday, fear of it is paraskavedekatriaphobia

donoe wats black about it.

according to some book i read (forgot what) some pope sent letters to be open on a friday, which happened to the thirteenth, the guys open the letter, which tells them to kill all Templars, and ends in a massacre.

or was it named after Crusoe's friend? the savage? What's his name??


Reality kicks in after Pesta, mid-term results....drum rolls....

Failed one subject sob....sob...
Only one above 80 sob

One thing I learned, Form 3 students ask each other how many 'A's they obtained,
Form 4, they ask each other how many subjects they failed.


Pesta 2008 Kota Kinabalu

Erm... the most enjoyable 6 days of my life. I try to post the full story later, but here, i just wanna make note of a few points

1.) I realised most of my friends were perverts of a kind.
2.) I discovered the beauty of the underwater world, closely. Last time was far away in singapore, just seeing fishes swimming.
3.) Discovered my "hidden side". Never realised that I was such a wild guy. Kept shouting none stop.
4.) Realised that I had such little badges compared to others, man, I mean, I was like wide-open mouth when I saw a girl, GIRL with around 10 advanced badges!!!
5.) Realised that I have wasted three and a half years of BB doing .... nothing
6.) Prompted me to try and aim for President's Award
7.) Discovered my friend slept like a pig
8.) Discovered that I didnt do "orchestra" doing my sleep
9.) Realised I can run for six days with only 2-3 hrs sleep per day, and that most of friends slept during morning devotion.
10.) Realised S'wak is the largest contingent, and the only contingent without girl's wing!! WHY!!!
11.) Shopping with frens is fun.
12.) In pesta BB no longer means Boys' Brigade, try and figure what it stands for
13.) my drill and command sucks, big time!!

And something after PESTA
1.) My frens "chio bu"s are in the same platoon as me...wakakaka
2.) Some girl called the president, mickey mouse, in her blog, my stomach is still aching from laughter.
3.) I am able to sleep for as long as 14 hrs!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hero Guide Competition

All results out, and I didnt get a place...sob..sob...not...

Didnt expect a place anyway, I mean, I didnt even have screenshots or replays, or even in-depth... well, congrats to the winners....dotastrategy rocks!!!!!!!

Going unstoppable with posts!!!! Argh!!!!

Love Sick??

It seems that my friends cant forget three "outstanding girls" from Pesta.

One from Penang, one from Tawau, one from Melaka.

Erm...well...they just cant stop chanting....its irritating sometimes, fun at others...

Pesta 2010, i cant wait!!!!!!!

penang, penang, penang, opps.....

Songs I've Been Enjoying

Since returning from Pesta 2008, there's 3 things I cant forget..

1.) the wild concert and singing competition, as well as unstoppable laughter during GALA dinner.

2.) girls in KK are hot...or so most of my friends say...personally, they are so-so, though they have quite the body...but too much make-up...urgh

3.) PASTOR JONATHAN TSE'S SONGS!!!!!!!!!!! I couldnt get a CD, though, fortunately, I can still listen to it at his site. YIPEE.....Formality, All for Me and So Beautiful are personal favourites.

Newbie to Bloggie

Um..hem...yo...wats up....

Donoe what actually to write for the first post ... tee-hee...

Erm...very new to blogging, and hope i can continue, God willing, and be able to post lots and lots of erm...posts?

Hi and bye.... for now