Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saladin the Animated Series

Yeap, its the 1st Malaysian 3D animated series....with 13 parts (episodes maybe?)...conceived by Multimedia Development Corporation (MDec) in Malaysia, and has started since May 2004 with a 6 minute trailer aired in 2005 MSC 10th Annivesary celebration. Saladin will air in late this year.

Some of its achievements as listed in wiki...
  • SALADIN, The Animated Series has won the Best Technology category at the Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Festival (SICAF) Promotions Plan competition. It was short listed along with ten other finalists . In the competition, contestants have 10 minutes to pitch their proposed TV series to an international jury of broadcasting executives before a live audience of conference attendees.
  • The animation film Saladin by the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) has won the Tokyo Big Sight Award at last week's Tokyo International Anime Fair 2007, the world's largest anime exhibition.Saladin won the award for excellence in 3-dimensional computer-generated imagery (3D CGI), special visual effects and animation
and here's the pic (click to see better apparently to right two are hidden)

Saladin is about the 3rd Crusade, his the guy that untied the Saracens and captured Jerusalem, causing Frederick Barbarossa to lead a crusade taking a blessing from Pope Clement III. Though he died before he got there. So King Richard took up the mantle of leadership...yes, that's Robin Hood's here's what I think. Saladin is the lone guy on the left. The girl is his gf, that is his "clown friend" and that maybe Richard? And the guy in the backdrop? Maybe Duke Leopold or someone "new"....who knows?

Sims 3

Ok...i've started playing Sims 3 a week ago, and yeah, I know its suppose to be launch on 2 June. But somehow my sis' fren laid his hands on a download, and now we're playing....

My writing base on my experience and in contrast with Sims 2 (non of the expansion since I didnt play them)...

So...some changes here and other, most noticeably, you can only play one household per town, no more flirting your siblings Sims and getting them to your household. another one is that you can visit the entire town, follow your Sims to work and school...nice...

And then you can customize everything....the cheekbones, ear scale, eyes (which now includes an Asian look)...and so much more...Clothes color can be changed, hair can be highlighted, your neighbors grow up as well, they live their own lives, get married, move in their career, so on....

And now, you get to buy vehicles to travel around town. And you get a new young adult class stage, which Im told is found in the expansions of Sims 2...

At last, you dont need to deal with comfort and environment, which are seriouly a pain in the ass...but now, they're turn to moodlets, which can easily be over ridden with a few fulfilled promised now get to promise your sims a maximum of 4 wishes.

A lifetime wish for each sims allows you to target their lives, instead of flying blind. But their lifetime wish once fulfilled, you have no idea wat to do with them, since they dont get a new one...

All said, Sims 3 is a far better experience in gaming then the previous Sims games. Though Im still deliberating whether to download sims 2 Castaway for PSP...which is a story about your sim being stranded on an island....that sounds fun...but then, there's Bleach: Heat the Soul 6....

Exams Over ^.^

Yipee....Exams are finally over....

And holidays are here, to stay!!! ....for two weeks...

Lets see, its holiday planning time!!!

1.) Get reborn twice in XDMS, once as bowman, once more as....maybe Corsairs...who knows?
2.) Get to the 4th generation in Sims 3...yes im playing it now, though it's official launch date is next month...
3.) Make my blog more popular using Jimmy's 3 steps to
4.) Finish making a melee map...
5.) what else???
6.) Cant think of anything...
7.) Oh yeah....get my driver's license....yipee
8.) Watch Terminator Salvation with month is his last with us...he's Sepang...
9.) Get a girlfren or two....(jkjk)
10.) Last but no least...nothing!!!!
11.) Since I have no more anime to catch....
12.) Maybe i will look into D.Gray Men??
13.) Watever....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Heaven and Hell

So EBC again...I just cant stop talking about it arent I...its just a great church...

So I went to church as usual, except that my sis brought along two of her friends...erm...classmates...from MBA, and then we had the usual wonderful worship, I guess thats what they say the presence of God is...wonderful... And then we had Dr Christina Ang as guest speaker, she's an Indian, the wife of Dr Paul Ang of PJ?...anyway, he was the guy who had the nice grin... she started by asking the musicians to play a fairly old song, which the lead guy didnt know, and the drummer came to play the song. And she said that older ppl had their good songs and younger ppl have their good songs and we should mix it together, which spotted a remark from the congregation that said the drummer was "Old"...

And then she went and preach about three "young guys" in the Bible, Daniel, Joseph and David. And what set them apart was their love for God. She was as good as her husband in speaking. She makes jokes and overall it was fun to listen to it... and then she told a testimony by Jennifer Perez which you can read here:

about her experiences in hell...hmm...that was...something new...and then I read on the net about a guy who spent 23 minutes in hell...interesting....

Darn It!!!!

Shshh...cant believe freakin frozen throne died out on me...that means no world editor, no frozen throne, no dota(not that it really mattered), no BvO, no BBB, no nothing....

I tried installing RoC and another TFT to look at the maps they had in the original game, and I was thinking to edit it. Trying to alter the techtree and try some basic map editing, coz i forgot a lot about it. And then, it went and messed up the 1.21 I had which is just..."great"...

And I just found BvO 2.07 where they released 5 new heroes....and Im a, you can say, BIG fan of BvO because the animations are just great...and I recently got interested in the item system of BvO since I was planning to make smtin like that...follow DotA style but few the Anime flavour in it.


Friday, May 15, 2009

The Time Has Come

A Stupid Week Again...

Its more of a stupid day...

So, we're having semester exams this week, and it is very, very hard...teachers said that it was either SPM standard of we are suffering from stress, hence the stupidities that happened today...

Everyone else was having Chinese Test, and we were in the hall...first, we did magic show, then it was some other stupid things that I forgot, including watching Happy Tree Friends. And then, Fook went and threw a shoe at Jimmy which gt deflected and hit Alex...and Alex jump down from the stage, lost his balance cause his legs could not stand the impact, and then chased Fook. Fook run around and then decided to climb the stairs. Bad decision, it slipped on the silk cloth thing that "decorated" the steps and fell...

And then Eric went and do a break dance after the others had return to was really a "break" dance...he tore his

Monday, May 11, 2009

Naruto, Bleach and One Piece

Hmm...i just have ta crap....

Lets begin....Naruto, Nagato killed Yahiko, or rather Yahiko killed himself through Nagato...watever, and Danzo and Hanzo are are allies...hehe...and then I just dont understand how Nagato's thoughts are...first he's like in awe of Jiraiya, and then bam, few years later he kills Jiraiya...wat the heck??? Barragan and Halibel have released...both looks cool, i wonder how Stark would look espadas have death things (Aspects?)...Stark is Loneliness, Halibel is Sacrifice, Ulqiourra is Nihilism, Nnoitra is Despair,Grimmjow is Destruction, Zommari is Intoxication, Syazel is Madness, Aaroniero is Greed, Yammy is Rage and Barragan is Old Age/Time/Death....

One piece? Ivanka released lots of prisoners so that they stand a better chance to survive. Whereas Luffy, Crocodile, Jimbei, Mr 1? is already rushing to escape/rescue Ace. Buggy and Mr 3 has also caused a riot, and the Impel Down's forces are divided...hmm...wonder if Whitebeard's gonna fight soon.

Mothers' Day

Im currently taking a break from studying chemistry....for a few hours, that its last minute revision tomorrow morning, since its like 2 hours free time before the test. And Add Maths, i dont even wanna talk about it, instead, lets talk about mothers' day celebration at EBC.

This was the first time I sorta "celebrated" it a EBC..

It was a nice worship that night, with quite number of good songs, and the electric and drum was nice...then, they had the youths share testimonies in how they had disappoint their moms sometimes...a lot of times...always...watever, and they was like hugs and all...the best bit was that they even contacted several church members who are in college away from home to study...they made vids and it was shown to the was unique in a way...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Achmed the Dead Terrorist

A must see video. Though I was too lazy to download it. Here's the link:

Its about Achmed who is a suicide bomber, who is trying to be a joker...

And his 2nd favourite Christmas song, after "Silence! Night"

Jingle Bombs:
Dashing through the sand
with a bomb strapped to my back.
I have a nasty plan
for Christmas in Iraq.
I got through checkpoint A,
but not through checkpoint B.
That's when I got shot in the ass
by the US Military...

[it's not funny!]

Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
Mine blew up you see.
Where are all the virgins
that Bin Laden promised me?
Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
U.S. soldiers shot me dead.
The only thing that I have left
is this towel up on my head.

I used to be a man,
but every time I cough,
thanks to Uncle Sam,
my nuts keep falling off.
My bombing days are done.
I need to find some work.
Perhaps it would be much safer
as a convenient store night clerk.

Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
I think I got screwed.
Don't laugh at me because I'm dead
or I'll kill you...


The Week Of Stupdity

This was such a week where people showed off how stupid they were.

1st up, Gordon Ting. Coming back from Chemist lab to Add Maths class, we went and sat down while waiting for the others to come. Gordon came in, and said, without looking at the back, "Good morning class", and then saw the teacher's pencil case on the desk and had this weird expression on his

2nd is Liew T.M. who came in and said "sit down class", after answering nature's call and returning to Maths Class where the teacher just came in and we said our "Gud Mornings"

3rd up is Jimmy "Amy" Ratan, this was in BM class, and the teacher was asking some students to answer a question when the teacher called Amy to give a "kesimpulan", then Jimmy stood up and said "Kesimpulannya", and saw Amy standing up, and sat down.

*Names changed to protect privacy