Friday, May 15, 2009

A Stupid Week Again...

Its more of a stupid day...

So, we're having semester exams this week, and it is very, very hard...teachers said that it was either SPM standard of we are suffering from stress, hence the stupidities that happened today...

Everyone else was having Chinese Test, and we were in the hall...first, we did magic show, then it was some other stupid things that I forgot, including watching Happy Tree Friends. And then, Fook went and threw a shoe at Jimmy which gt deflected and hit Alex...and Alex jump down from the stage, lost his balance cause his legs could not stand the impact, and then chased Fook. Fook run around and then decided to climb the stairs. Bad decision, it slipped on the silk cloth thing that "decorated" the steps and fell...

And then Eric went and do a break dance after the others had return to was really a "break" dance...he tore his

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