Friday, September 5, 2008

Crazy Teacher

It happened today,

My Chemistry Teacher went "Cookoo"

It was chemistry and teacher asked my friend to burn some Chlorine Gas, and told us to look out brown gases. It asked another friend to prepare a wooden splinter to test for oxygen gas. We all gathered around the Friend #1, and breathed the chlorine gas' awful smell. The teacher was like a table or two from us, which is quite far. And then, the brown gas appeared, and friend number 2 went and placed the splinter into the test tube, when my teacher went "In...Out...In again...Out..In.." it went like forever, and someone reminded me o the Scary Movie 2 girl that went "Fuckme...fuckme.."

And then, after almost 15 minutes of the experiment, and like a few hundred breathe taken, he said

"Dont breathe in the gas...its poisonous!!!" wonder he was two tables away and did not do the experiment himself.

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

Guru cemerlang or guru 'Che Me Lan'