Friday, September 5, 2008

Scary Movie + Superhero Movie Marathon

We did at movie marathon on Independence Day, and watched Scary Movie 1,2,3,4 and Superhero Movie. We began at 10.oo, and finished at about 5.30pm. And glad to say, we finished it all.

Scary Movie 1 - about a guy name Doofus who is introduced as a retard but is not, kills off some of the guys involve in a accident where the guy did not die until he was thrown of the pier, in a I Know What You Did Last Summer style.

Scary Movie 2 - this one's intro was one of the best intros ive seen. Its about a haunted mansion. Not sure parody of what. Favourite phrase : Fuckme Fuckme

Scary Movie 3 - this one had a lame intro, but, it was the best of the 4 movies. This is parody of the Ring, and Signs, i think. Its about this killer video that the lead watched, and an alien race as well. So they invade earth to kill of the "Samaria". Favourite phrase: Ive been alone not counting myself and this char. I call her Linda.

Scary Movie 4 - very good intro, with Shaq and Dr Phil captured by "Jigsaw", then, alien invades and the grudge gives Cindy a key to unlock the alien's secret, the aliens are led by "Jigsaw". Parody of Saw, War of the Worlds and Grudge. I liked the part where they communicated in "Japanese". Favourite phrase : Phil: whose the coward now mama...(saw his leg)...Shaq: wrong leg

Superhero Movie - damn lousy intro. Parody of Batman, Spiderman. Protagonist: Dragonfly, Antagonist: Hourglass...zzzzzz. Favourite phrase: I raised you up like you father did, I took care of you like your father did, and I fucked your mother like your father did.

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