Saturday, May 15, 2010

aRTHaS: Rise of the Lich King

Surprise, surprise, I finished it...quite a long time ago...serious, I even finished reading the Cycle of Hatred I er..bocoughdownloadedcoughught

well, except for the earlier parts detailing the childhood of Arthas, and the few Interludes here and there plus the Prologue and Epilogue, and a few scenes here and other, mainly of Arthas and Jaina's relationship + some of Invincible's story, the entire thing is a cut and paste from Wc3 Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne... Seriously, the words are even the same, when I read and played the campaign (with the help of whosyourdaddy), it was like I was playing Lord of the Clans or Day of the Dragon fan-made campaigns...seriously...

and I thought I would get some "new" stuff about Arthas, ends up I just wasted 2 weeks worth of lunch money on this book...but I wouldnt say I regret it, its interesting to see the campaigns put into words for one...and the internal struggle of Arthas is always nice to read about, though that is just the Epilogue...

Several characters in the campaign seemed to be missing, some Paladins protecting Terenas' Urn have disappeared. And I just realized that Arthas killed Gavinrad and Uther, two of the five Founding Paladins in the same day, or at least in the same mission...

So overall, I would rate the book 6/10, mainly due to it being a lite read, since the vocab and sentence structure is simple as Lord of the Clans, since they are after all from the same author, adding into the fact that playing the campaign along while reading the book adds in a good feel...

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