Saturday, May 22, 2010

Jay Chou - Superman Can't Fly

This is the 11th song of Jay Chou's new album The Era and is one of the first whose MV I have watched... This song is really meaningful, compared to a lot of crap western songs which made me turned of the radio =.= It mainly details some the pressure of being a celebrity, in short, Jay Chou's own stress...

From lyrics such as
I dont know since when I became society's role model

Can CNN interview me after my english gets a bit better

Can I reshoot my cover photo for the Times magazine cover page

must control my diet or else I wouldnt look like Madame Tassuad's wax model "me" (didnt look like me in the first place)

I lol-ed at that one...

and video scenes like the "superhero" guy helping other people with day to day stuff...going so far as to risk his life for a dog...

there was one thing I almost laugh at when I realise it....
"开的车不能太好 住的楼不能太高"
cant drive a luxurious car, and cant live to high up ("penthouse")

but in the video, Jay's car was a "batmobile" whereas the "superhero" guy seemed to live in a penthouse, seeing how high it was, the glass "walls", and the spaciousness of the place, I mean, where else can you find a place to lay out your super hero costume side by side on a long table then in a spacious place?

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