Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dante's Inferno (PSP)

This is one hell of a disturbing game. Pun unintended. Seriously, its very disturbing.

Well the story starts with Dante, somehow a Templar instead of a poet, journeying down to hell to save his beloved, Beatrice, from the hands of Lucifer. He descends through the Nine circles of Hell, namely Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Heresy, Violence, Fraud and lastly Treachery. Along the way, he defeats King Minos, the judge of the damned, Cleopatra and Antony, his own father Alighiero and his brother-in-law, Francesco. Last but not least is the Great Devil himself, Lucifer, bound in the Chains of Judicea (or something like that) in the very last circle of Treachery. Along the journey, Dante is faced with the sins he committed in the Crusades, and in a way, in God's name, but realize that all was a big fat lie by the Bishop who promised the forgiveness of all sins.

A twist appears at the end, apparently along his journey, Dante has been breaking the chains that are binding Lucifer and at the very end freed Lucifer from his eternal bondage. There, with the powers of the souls he had absolved on his journey, he binds Lucifer once more and is taken up to Purgatory, setting up for a sequel. He rips the tapestry off his chest, yes that cross on his chest is sewn (or watever the past tense of sew is) on, and it turns to a snake.

The PSP version has lousier graphics when compared to the PS3 version, well duh, its PSP. Gameplay is very similar to God of War: Chains of Olympus, to the point that both of them went to hell...=____=. One main difference is that Dante's skills are based on two weapons, the Scythe and the Holy Cross. Along the way, you choose to Absolve or Punish the sinful souls down below. Absolve adds points for the Holy Cross while Punish adds points for the Scythe. And than you choose to add skills to whichever you want. I like the Holy Cross mainly for its ranged benefit as well as a health boost whenever you use it to kill. Also, absolving sounds more peaceful than punishing, where the screams of the damned is very annoying.

Now, for the disturbing part. The first thing that really got to me was the walls. The walls you climb on is made on humans, or rather what remained of them. It was so sick...urgh...imagine yourself climbing through a sea of rotten bodies. Next came the Unblessed Infants. Their death throes are sickening. Really, urgh, which is why I choose to absolve them whenever possible. There are a few others that are sick as well. It is hell after all.

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