Friday, February 13, 2009 make update....

Jim's says that my blog doesnt update often...which is true, seeing as theres only 4 posts in Feb, and its already Friday the I was surfing the net...since Jim stole my idea of "porn" heres a good one...

A name given to nearly unpopular anime character Sasuke Uchiha, because if you say his name really fast it sounds like 'sauce-gay'. I don't where the 'sauce' part came from, I guess people just needed something to complete the insult. BTW Orochimaru is a rapist, I'm serious, the creators of "Naruto" modeled him after Micheal Jackson, seriously.

Dear loser,

I've gone to live with Orochimaru on Emo Farm.
Goodbye forever.

Uchiha Sauce-gay.

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