Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How to Get A Girl's Email 101..zzz

Thx to Jimmy for reminding me...

We were at the anatomical section where lotz of ppl were snapping pictures happily, mostly with phones. And a girl was taking photos right in front of us. And her memory card was full. She was disappointed...(like I know for sure...)

And then, I joked to Peh..."now's the opportunity"...

For u retards out there who dont know wat Im saying, let me explain S-L-O-W-L-Y...

When u have a camera, and is taking pics (well, admittedly it was Sylvia's cam), and there's a girl who wants pics, but her memory is full, you can be "manly" and say

"Excuse me, miss, you want pics izit? I have some here. If you want, I can email you......" well, you shud noe the rest....


Jimmy said...

so, i WAS the pervert.

now, IZ is the pervert.

NiteAura said...

you still ARE the pervert...

i WILL NEVER be a pervert...

besides, it was juz about email, not like your "nice tits"...