Saturday, August 1, 2009

Heroes of Newerth: Advanced DotA

Its dota on an independant engine...yup, like how CS Mod of Half-life became Condition Zero and Source, so DotA is transforming from map into Heroes of Newerth...its a S2 Game production...and they do have permission from IceFrog to make it, though they have to change names, UI and stuff so as not to incure the wrath of like in the video, Pudge(a Diablo name) the Butcher, became the Devourer...but basically, the map is the same, you can even see treants..

So obviously, its no longer Sentinel vs Scourge, since does are part of Warcraft, and Heroes like the Naga, Lycanthrope will probably have a large model makeover, but still keep the same skill...Item name may also be change, and Hero background story will DEFINITELY be changed...

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